Beyond 'At Least'

Have you ever shared a frustration about caregiving with someone and instantly regretted it when you heard the words “at least”?

It’s frustrating when people use these two simple words to make you feel ashamed of your feelings under the guise of optimism.

They suggest that you should just be happy with what you have and not be greedy for more.

However, when you share your struggles with someone, what you really need is validation, comfort, and love. You want someone to listen actively, hold your hand, put an arm around your shoulder, or even just hand you a tissue or a coffee house napkin. You want to feel supported, not shut down.

That’s why phrases like “at least” hurt so much. They make you feel like your problems aren’t big enough, your emotions aren’t important enough, and you don’t matter.

But let me tell you something: you matter.

Your struggles matter. You don’t have to pack away your emotions and handle everything on your own.

So the next time you share your caregiving story with someone, look for those who actively listen to you, who hold your hand and offer comfort, who laugh and cry with you. Those who don’t say “at least” but instead say “I hear you” and “I’m here for you”.

You don’t have to deal with your struggles alone. And you definitely don’t have to feel ashamed of them.

Listen to this week's episode and learn how not only do you matter, and deserve to be heard but also how "at least" shouldn't be something you need to hear.


Love Your Caregiving Life

Charlotte helps caregivers feel seen and helps them find ways to enjoy their lives by using over 10 years of experience of being a caregiver for her husband and a certified Yoga/Meditation teacher.

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